Asset Management

RR1 provides assets management services through its co-partners. RR1 also offers wealth management, capital markets, going public, mergers and acquisition, restructuring, risk and research platform of unrivaled strength and scale. Recent projects have required financial support. Therefore, RR1 and many of its affiliates and partners have formed close alliances with several of the world’s top financial institutions as a means to deploy funding as needed. To further support its capability, RCS has partnered with Pacific Liberty (Hong Kong) Ltd. (“PLHK”). RCS is currently forming an alliance with Pacific Liberty Singapore and is also initiating paperwork to form a Managed Private Equity Firm under the guidance and control of the Singapore government. Interested applicants in our assets management services can apply for RFP.

Asset Management

RR1 provides assets management services through its co- partners. RR1 also offers wealth management, capital markets, going public, mergers and acquisition, restructuring, risk and research platform of unrivaled strength and scale. Recent projects have required financial support. Therefore, RR1 and many of its affiliates and partners have formed close alliances with several of the world’s top financial institutions as a means to deploy funding as needed. To further support its capability, RCS has partnered with Pacific Liberty (Hong Kong) Ltd. (“PLHK”). RCS is currently forming an alliance with Pacific Liberty Singapore and is also initiating paperwork to form a Managed Private Equity Firm under the guidance and control of the Singapore government. Interested applicants in our assets management services can apply for RFP.